Monday, February 4, 2008

Do you ever have days you feel like you are hanging on by a thread? I'm so thankful that God is my strength and my refuge and that in my weakness HE is made strong. Today has been one of those days where I suddenly realize that I'm exhausted and some what burned out. I spent a lot of time today stopping to say "God I need your help." My fuse is short, my humanity is showing over my spirituality and I just needed some strength. Oddly though, it was the best day we've had in a long time too. I was able to spend some time talking to Abby about her behaviour. She's been really upset about all the medical stuff and every appointment is followed by tantrums or melt downs. so, we got to have good talks today because when mommy's tired... she feels about the same. It is so amazing to me what she comprehends and some times, when I really sit and listen to her... she teaches me. So, it is true that in our weakness God is made strong. I'd say he was very strong in our house today. Mr. Joey is having some asthma problems... so I have spent the day tending to him. He's starting a sterroid asap after seeing the ped today. Hoping this helps! We have yet another full week ahead of us. I pray all of you have a wonderful nights sleep and selfishly... I'M PRAYING I DO TOO!!!

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