Wednesday, February 6, 2008

shameful... or maybe just adorable...

Ok, I have a confession to make... I'VE BEEN GROUCHY TONIGHT!! I'm tired and at least a wee bit stressed out. Well, tonight, we were saying bed time prayers and abby says in her usual manner "Jesus alive" (This is how she starts every prayer... we aren't sure why, but we kind of like that she came up with it... so it's stuck!) So, she continues after some thought "Jesus, please help mommy to not be grouchy and to get some sleep so she can be better to go to the docker with us in the morning." She thinks a moment more and then prays again "Jesus alive, please help daddy so he can buy me more treats!" Ha!!!! So, I guess I was a bit convicted I may be a bit more grouchy than I thought since my three year old had to pray for me to not be so grouchy in the morning! She cracks me up. I tell you, she is a girl of true faith! Night all.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I love it! Jesus alive! Amen Abbey! My kids always surprise me when they sense mommy isn't happy or when something is bothering me. I think God gives us kids like that to encourage us through the hard times and keep us accountable. Kids are amazing!