Monday, June 23, 2008


Hey all! Well, tomorrow is our big day. we are taking the kids to the peds office. I'm not sure he'll be pleased because I have had my camera busy this week. He's going to see all that I'm talking about from pooh, to bloating, to looking awful... it's all there in proof! :) I hate being the pushy parent, but I'm just worried about Joey's health right now and where his nutrition sits. So, pray for my strength tomorrow. Any one want to come along and see our beautiful pictures? Note, I didn't share them on the blog tonight! :) NIght all!


Shelby-Grace said...

That's such a great idea Mindy, to take pictures instead of having to explain what it is you've been seeing! I'm sure you will do a great job tomorrow. You are Joey's advocate. And you are his Mom who sees what goes on day after day. No one knows him better than you!

Unknown said...

That's a good idea...I should have thought of that when our granddaughter kept breaking out in a rash. It always cleared up by the time she saw the doctor!

You are such a good mom....I hope you don't get tired of me saying that.

Hugs and Prayers