Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Resting up...

Well, our week has started out as a rat race more than usual. Miss Abby gave us ALL a big scare on Monday requiring us to have to taker her to Cincinnati. Her heart is acting up. She is fine now, but will require some monitoring. We are all wiped out emotionally and physcially. But, we are recouping! As you can see in the picture, Joey has had NO PROBLEM finding places to sleep! :) I'll be back to my usual blogging soon! If you don't hear from me, remember, you can always click the link to your right that tells about the kids stories. Those are updated daily and will tell if we are at the hospital. you can also leave the kids messages there! They enjoy those GREATLY! Night all!


Shelby-Grace said...

I've never seen a kid that can sleep in so many different positions and look totally comfortable!! Sweet dreams Joey!

Keym said...

Tough week! Sorry to hear how it has been, I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Way to go Joey! I get cranky when I find places to sleep