Thursday, June 19, 2008


I was "tagged" by by Shan, author of Our Journey home to fill this out, so here goes...

things about me...

4 places I go over and over

1. Wal-mart
2. the pharmacy
3. church... Farmland Friends Church
4. the doctor or Cardinal health rehab center

4 people that email me

1. Brenda, she is such an inspiration and a help to me
2. Dainta, she keeps me up to date and helps me with mito questions
3. Shanna, such a support but she always makes me laugh too!
4. Renee, she always checks in on me and continues to pray for our family!

4 of my favorite foods

1. mashed potatoes
2. chips and cheese
3. popcorn
4. meatloaf!

4 places I would rather be right now

1. Some place quiet
2. where my husband is
4. taking a hot bubble bath

4 movies I could watch over and over

1.I am pretty boring... i just don't know...
2. any suggestions?
3. I'm open for any!
4. Still can't think! Sorry!

4 people I want to know more about...

1. Tammy
2. Cari
3. Aleyna
4. Abby

1 comment:

Keym said...

Any of the Harry Potter Movies, All Dog's go to Heaven, Blade Trinity