Friday, November 21, 2008

Abby's dreams come true....

Well, miss Abby has wanted a princess cake for a long time! I was going to originally make it mini to go with her castle, but it didn't work out so well for me. But we are going to visit family today, so I thought I might as well make it for her. So, here was my shot at free hand making her a princess cake. It might not be perfect, but I have one happy little girl!!!! She says "Papaw will just say yum when he takes a bit of the cake!" -Mindy


Casey R. Vincent said...

Mindy it looks so neat! Job well done! I am sure Miss Abby enjoyed it! I hope it was a fun birthday!

Shelby-Grace said...

Great job Mindy! Hope it was a great party!

GinaMarie said...

Mindy its gorgeous!! She looks so proud of it! You did a great job for being in pain and not feeling well.
Gina Marie