Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday recap...

Over on PK's blog, he did a Sunday recap... Thought I would do one as well.

1. laid in my jammies

2. washed a few dishes

3. laid in my jammies

4. laid in my jammies some more

5. went to my parents to eat veggie soup still in my jammies

6. laid in my jammies again....

Wasn't that an eventful day?


Nathan said...

Sounds wonderful!!!!!!

Minus the whole not-feeling-good thing ;o)

Unknown said...

Glad you still have your sense of humor!

Mommy pfohl said...

It was kind of nice to be in my jammies and yes, Milah, I still have my sense of humor... only some times! Jeff let me know tonight I've been a bit snippy! :) Guess it's getting to me!

The Besmer Family said...

When do I get a day like that again? Mine would be... no time to change out of PJs, fed the kid, put him to sleep, try to take a shower, get some coffee and breakfast even though its 2pm...