Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Days of frustration...

I'm really battling to stay on top of life today. After being turned away for surgery, realizing the severity of it all and then talking with my doctor about drastic changes in my life... wow! My emotions are hay wire right now. Today, I'm just trying hard to remain positive as I work towards learning a new life style. I keep reminding myself that this is what we all need in our house hold, but it's amazing the battle you go through in your mind as you strive towards bettering your life. Only by God's grace and good strength will I survive! So... hats off and here's to surviving the next few weeks! -mindy


brenda c said...

Hey Sis change is hard really hard I have not mastered the diet yet either. We will just keep plugging along and holding Jesus's hand.
PS love your new background!!

Keym said...

Being positive is hard to do sometimes. I used to fight this battle daily, it was almost as if it was tooo natural for me to be negative. But I fought and fought and now I find that I am a lot more positive, it took time and I am by no means perfect and sometimes fall back into the negative way of life but I refuse to be a "Debbie Downer". So keep fighting the good fight sister!

~Bren~ said...

Change is hard, but it is so worth it all. Your quality of life will be so much better PLUS the role model you will be to your children will be priceless and that in it's self is worth it. You are not alone....Christ is right there with you walking you thorugh it. Wisdom...He gives it liberally!!
One of the things I changed (hard but good change) is I ALWAYS ask myself before I eat something..."Is this going to fuel my body? Does my body need this? Am I eating this for the right reasons?" Eating 2 Live, not Living 2 motto.
I am right there with you!!!!