Thursday, November 20, 2008

What was on my heart...

This morning, I was reading my Bible and this one certain verse just kept grabbing me. I couldn't stop thinking about it even when I walked away from my Bible... it was stuck there. I have been thinking and praying about all that goes on in our country and across our Earth today and it grieves my heart. The abortions, the brutal murders of children and adults, the silent abuse behind closed doors... the morality of our country has fallen! It grieves my heart and I so wish that America could get a gliimpse of what is happening and fall before God! The verse I had on my heart was this...

Psalm 7:9
O righteous God,
who searches minds and hearts,
bring to an end the violence of the wicked
and make the righteous secure.
After reading this, I wanted to post something but I just couldn't think what. Then I got an e-mail from a friend and it stated this:
A father wanted to read a magazine
but was being bothered by his little girl.
She wanted to know what the United States looked Like.
Finally, he tore a sheet out of his new magazine on which was printed the map of the country.
Tearing it into small pieces,
he gave it to her and said,
'Go into the other room and see if you can put this together.
This will show you our whole country today.'
After a few minutes, She returned
and handed him the map, correctly fitted and taped together.
The father was surprised and asked how she had finished so quickly.
'Oh,' she said,'on the other side of the paper is a picture of Jesus.
When I got all of Jesus back where He belonged,
then our country just came together.
My prayer today is that we can get Jesus back where he belongs so that our country can be put back together!!!! -Mindy


Nathan said...

great verse, and cool story.

Sue said...


I too wish Jesus were back at the center of the USA. But because He isn't...because we have replaced Him with EVERYTHING else...I fear that our country is in for a rude awakening.

I am 55, and in my lifetime, I don't believe I have ever seen such polarization between "God's children" and "the world". Us Christians are going to have to "hold on tight"...I see a VERY bumpy road ahead.

We need to "work while it is day", now more than anytime in our history!