Monday, November 10, 2008

Facing the knife....

Yep, that's me! I'm facing surgery! Hmm... I actually can't wait! I'm tired of being in pain! The test showed that my gallbladder is severely damaged. So, I will hear from my docs office tomorrow regarding my surgery consult. I never thought I'd be relieved to hear the word surgery! I just want this pain to go away! night all! -Mindy


Nathan said...

YAY! I'm so happy they pin-pointed the problem so they can fix it! Praying for you!

GinaMarie said...

Im glad they pinpointed the source. I pray they can do laproscopy surgery where its just I think 3 SMALL incisions instead of one Big one. You heal so much quicker and it looks better.
I'm praying for ya.

Sue said...

Will be remembering you in prayer. Here's to pain free days!

The Besmer Family said...

Your kids are better so you decide to go under the knife?! Ahh! Well, I hope this keeps the Pfohl family out of the hospital for a long long time! :-)

Jeffrey Pfohl said...

hi honey i love you from the sticks

Casey R. Vincent said...

Mindy I am so glad that they found the source of your pain! I hope that they get your surgery scheduled ASAP and things go well! Thinking about you and praying for you!