Sunday, November 4, 2007

Embracing life...

I tell you, this week has been SO LONG! A lot of ups and downs to our Journey this week. Celebrations and dissapointments, but I got to close the week in an AWESOME way. My sister was free and able to watch the kids so I could go to Saturday night service. Jeff was preaching this weekend, so I especially enjoyed it! Not that I don't enjoy pastor Kris (sorry man) but it's just that Jeff and I haven't gotten to share a lot of ministry together. When we met, that was the basis of our relationship, we ministered, we shared, we worshipped, we did so much together with God and for God. We have missed that. However, life has taken a refocus right now and our ministry just isn't to people, but to our children, so I am not complaining, but thankful that I got to share in his ministry last night. It was so wonderful to stand beside him to worship and to worship with others as well. I tell you, God has been so good to us. He has helped us over come, he's held us up when we thought we couldn't look at one more day, he's celebrated joys with new steps the kids have taken, he's mourned with us in the times where we just needed to cry... HE HAS BEEN FAITHFUL. Many ask us how we do it and say that they are in awe of the faith we hold, but living day to day, we don't always feel strong and as a matter a fact, there is nothing but faith to have because life is not within out control. I think every day,I have to fall into the arms of God and trust that HE IS going to be strong enough to carry us through. My title of my blog today is embracing life. Not just embracing the day to day activities... but embracing God who IS LIFE. So... with great ecxitement, today, I am embracing life... I lift up my head... where does my hope come from!!!! Thanks God for being there to hold me and carry our family through.

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