Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sleepless nights...

You know, usually it is my kids who keep me up, but tonight, nope... it's that thing called emotions. Yeah... they get me every once in awhile. Today has been very hard. Abby got to go to chuckecheese for her birthday today. Yesterday was her party with her family and friends. she got up this a.m. and cried most of the day that she was hurting. Joey was weak and fell so much he was hurting himself. Then came chucke. I was hoping that it would pull them out of this. don't get me wrong, she had fun, but she wasn't herself. She was slow to switch games and pretty much stayed in one area for a REALLY LONG time. When she finished, she cried to go home and didn't even want to pick a prize. If I set her down, she'd just start crying saying "Mommy hold me, don't let me walk, I hurt mommy." I controlled my emotions for her sake, but now, I just don't know what to do with them. I called Nuero today to ask about this weakness especially in Joey. I knew the pain was the usual Too much, but I've never EVER seen this much weakness. They thought we were seeing "drop seizures" but after some questions, that was quickly ruled out. So, she dropped the bomb. We are simply seeing a "true" flair up. She explained this is why they order the wheel chairs. it absolutely broke my heart. Have you ever done that? You know something can happen, probably will happen, you're just sure you'll be ready... it hits and you crack? I've cracked. They are both so precious! They just smile and move on. I wish I could have that kind of faith. Well, I guess I'm off of here to try and focus on the right thing... get my eyes off of this storm and onto Jesus! thank you for those of you who have stood beside us, loved us and been there for us through prayer, e-mails, comments here or on the kids caringbridge pages. You are all wonderful. Abby has a sleep test tomorrow night. Please pray for her with this. Night all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father God, I pray for Jeff, Mindy, Abby and Joey. May they sleep tonight and rest and recover from very busy days of activity. Lord, give peace and comfort to our friends and healing to those precious children, In Jesus name I ask these things, thankful for a God who hears and answers. Amen