Saturday, December 1, 2007

Taking a deep breath...

Well, my week is hopefully OVER as far as EXCITEMENT goes. I am not sure my poor body can take one more thing. Abby had her sleep test. I don't think she'll get as good of results this time as she did last... however, I don't think the results are going to be that bad either. She was VERY RESTLESS. I was hoping they'd get to see that because she is OFTEN that way at home. I am not sure if it is pain and discomfort causing it or if it is a sleep issues... but regardless... it's killing her sleep and making her more tired. We'll know more in a week or so when the final results have been read and given to our doc. We spent today in the Riley ER with Abby. She was dehydrated. Poor dear! If it isn't one thing, it's absolutely another in our family. Things have just been hitting left and right. Jeff's mom has cancer, she had to have a gtube placed, she is then having her bottom teeth removed and she starts radiation and chemo TOGETHER Wed. the 12th of dec. Jeff's brother is loosing his mother-n-law. Her blood levels have been acidic for too long and has DESTROYED her liver. They expect her to pass within the week. My mom has some health issues going on that are going to require a couple of surgeries. On surgery is diagnostic related... they are concerned there could be some major issues. Then you put every thing with the kids on top of that and spells TIRED. I think most days I am chasing my tail! Oh, and Jeff's sister is bleeding internally and they can't find it... PLUS she's just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis... DO WE HAVE A BULLS EYE ON OUR Heads??? I'm beginning to think so. We are hanging in there though. God has given us incredible strength and blessings these days! I'm not sure who prayed for us on my last post, but thank you! Thank you to every one of you who leave comments here or on the kids caring bridge pages. (listed to your left in the column under Our story of mito myopathy). Those comments get us through some days just knowing that people are there! So, thanks! I think it is time for my tired bones to fall into bed. I need to clean up after our birthday fun, unpack suitcases and do laundry... WE leave Tuesday for Abby's surgery on Wednesday... SO LOTS TO BE DONE! Night all!

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