Sunday, December 30, 2007


I know to most, this may come across silly to be so excited, but to me it is GREAT! My kids miss out on so much because they can not be around germs during the flu season. Joey especially does not handle it and his intestines fail a bit more each time he gets sick. Not to mention, the set backs in physcial and speech development! The last time he was sick, he lost ground on all speech and we are still fighting to get those words back. But today, I was able to find some masks online made by kimberly and clark (the same masks used at Riley) to purchase for the kids! They are a bit pricey, but they are worth it. We can wear these to our ped appointments (they don't offer them as Riley does) and we can wear them to special occasions at church. It may take awhile for the kids to learn their importance, but we are hopeful. It has been VERY hard to get ahold of these! I'm so excited!!! A lot of companies do not make pediatric masks. So, this gives us a bit more chance at life during these winter seasonal times that we are shut in. =) Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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