Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!

Well, it is officially here! Christmas eve has arrived! I have been feverishly trying to get my baking done this week and alas... it still is not complete! So, today, Abby and I have pulled out all of the stops and we have that oven fired up and workin' hard!!! I tell you though... I'm cheating!!! I have not had good success with home made this year... so, I went to walmart and thanks to Pillsbury, I have wonderfully shaped sugar and chocolate chip cookies! Once these are done, it's off to making puppy chow!!!

This is my sons help today... he is passed out on his spider man couch with his bottle! Alas, the rest for tonight's marathon of opening presents at mamaw's is more important than baking some silly cookies!!!

I took this picture of Joey yesterday. I think he is preparing for the new years celebration! I thought it was hilarious when I turned around seen that his sister had dressed him for the action!

1 comment:

Shelby-Grace said...

I love puppy chow! I quit calling it that because some people looked at me so strangely, like they had never heard it called that before! I'm glad to hear someone else call it by its true name! Have a Merry Christmas!