Friday, December 14, 2007

Here is our day today...

First hair cut! Oh so cute!!!!

First Bath in the new bath tub seat AND HE SAID DUCK!!!!!!!!! Numerous times!!! YEAH BUBBY! This bath seat is a God send... made my life so much easier!!!!

Watching our anual round of Frosty the snow man, the grinch stole christmas and Rudolph... bubby's belly is hugely swollen and he is so not interested in tv! Let's jump on daddy! It's coming...

Having fun with our new gifts. Chemo Angel Linda from Colorado sent the kids a WONDERFUL gift package in the mail today. One of the gifts was these little pull back toys. They are lady bugs that actually RACE. Oh man! We haven't laughed like this in a long time! The kids were falling over themselves playing with them! =) Then, if you note the jammies they are proudly wearing... these were dropped at our door for the second day of Christmas. So, whoever is bringing the blessings... THANK YOU SO MUCH. You have brightened my kids day with your generous gifts which brightens my day more than you could imagine!

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