I have all kinds of adorable pictures to share from today, but tonight, I feel a bit sober. I wasn't able to go to church today because Abby was running a fever. So, we stayed home ad had fun just the three of us. Jeff shared with me that lots of people either gave their life to Christ or recommitted their lives to Christ this weekend during our three services at FFC. Tonight, I have been thinking a lot about that. I gave my life to Christ at a very early age and so following Christ sometimes becomes a practice as apposed to a relationship. I know I am supposed to be good and live my life different, but there is more to being a Christian than just being good and just "following' Christ. There is a longing in God's heart to be near us. You know, Easter is a fun time.. .bunnies... CHOCOLATE... egg hunts... CHOCOLATE... crafts... CHOCOLATE... (OK, I like chocolate!) But we often forget, it is a celebration of life, and the ultimate sacrifice! God gave up His son for us! He let Him die on a cross because of one thing... HE WANTED TO MAKE A PATHWAY SO THAT WE COULD BE WITH HIM! There is no one in this world I love enough to give up one of my children for. I can't even imagine! Not to mention, He gave up His son KNOWING that so many of us would deliberately reject Him be it through our words, our actions, our thoughts, or even our desires. His ONE TRUE desire is to be with
YOU. I don't feel worthy of that kind of love. But, I don't have to be worthy... I'm worthy because I'm God's special girl as any one reading this is... we are all precious and ever so beautiful in His sight! I was reading tonight in Song of songs... Which is actually the book of Song of Solomon and it is the most passionate book of the Bible. It's so passionate that in the old days, the Jews wouldn't let their children read it until they were 13 or 14 years of age, but it's in the Bible and you know why I think that it is... because God is a PASSIONATE GOD! Chapter 5 and verse 6 says "I opened for my lover, but my lover had left; he was gone. My heart sank at his departure. I looked for him but did not find him. I called him but he did not answer." God looks for us every single day. He opens up to us and calls to us with the deepest love we could ever ever know... but do we answer? There are days I know that I do not answer His call and it grieves my heart to know that God's heart sinks when I do not answer Him. I want to walk each day with God because heaven knows, He is my only hope and my only strength! I feel sober tonight because I know that God is calling me... He's asking me to come and sit with Him, talk with Him, build a relationship with Him... I feel that deep longing and it makes me long to answer... so my answer tonight is... "Hey papa! Here I am! Take me in, Hold me, Love me and make me your very own!" So, is God opening the door to you? Is He calling your name? I would say that He is. You are His son or daughter! So... are you going to answer?