Monday, April 16, 2007

The glasses are in!

Well, I got the call first thing this a.m. that Abby's glasses had arrived... so Aunt Christi and I made a trip to Indy today to pick them up! Abby was very excited until she realized that the prescription made her feel funny... that girl has some strong lenses! Whew. She seems to be adjusting quickly though. She complains they bother her some, but we will get there. =) I think she took them off a thousand times and I can't tell you how many times I found them laying lens side down on the kitchen counter! We got a good chuckle though... My sister had glasses about this age and well, Abby is a spitting image of Aunt Christi... Makes her look just like Aunt Christi's little girl pictures! =) Too precious!

On a happy note as well, Joey and Abby are feeling MUCH better today. Lots of giggles back in the house today! That is always a wonderful thing to hear especially after every one has been grouchy! =) Germies need to go away and stay away!! Anyways, things are back to their usual. Joey is eating again... 13 cheerios down the hatch tonight and yep... he ate his butter to balance out those carbs! =) He likes to have the butter (part of a keto diet for those of you wondering why I give our son butter with cheerios!) on top of his cheerios. Ha! Sounds interesting! Abby is wearing big girl panties these days. =) Only one accident today! Yeah!!!

On a sad note, we said good-bye to Aleyna tonight. She is our dietitian. She'll still be Joey's dietitian, but she'll be far away. =( We'll miss her!

Well, night all!

1 comment:

mom & dad said...

Mindy, DON'T MENTION THIS TO ABBY, BUT do you remember us telling stories about when christi first got her glasses at age 2? She'd sneak into the bathroom and hide them in the washer and say "glasses all gone, mommy! glasses all gone!"

gaurd that washer, baby! Aberooni might strike!