Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another day under the belt...

Well, I had to chuckle. The title of my post yesterday was "Can I go back to bed?"... Did any one catch on that the same post was posted twice yesterday? OK, well, I think I did need to go back to bed! Ha! Just a symbol of how the day went!!! The day was definitely better today. Nothing major. Joey gained 6 oz!!! Yeah!!!!!!! That's nearly half a pound! Good job Aleyna! You are already fattening him back up! =) We had speech today. Joey was a little stinker and wouldn't eat! I think he's majorly teething though. He's been soooooooooooo grouchy today. His little gums just look so swollen. So, he sucked the butter off of his cheerios and spit them back at us! oh to be able to eat butter on anything that I want! I don't think I'd sacrifice though to be on a keto diet. Too many restrictions... wouldn't be worth the better for me! Abby had a good day today. She always enjoys speech. Joey's ST is Mary so all I heard in the car on the way is "I almost to miss Mary I almost to miss Mary!" =) She's so funny. Both kids see Pulmonary on Friday. Should be a pretty good visit since they are both doing OK right now. Joey has been doing great off of his monitory and O2. Too my surprise, I haven't been to freaked out about it. I was nervous about the exiting of the monitor from our home, but once it was gone, I had peace. So... God does still work miracles! I'm usually a mess about these changes! =) Well, off to bed in hopes not to post this too many times! Night all!

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