Friday, April 6, 2007

It's snowing...

When your husband looks at you and says "If April showers are supposed to bring May flowers, what does April flurries bring?"... Uhh... Does that mean he thinks too much? I love my husband! Always good for a chuckle! Can you believe all this snow and it's April!
Today has been a rat race. Abby was extremely lethargic this a.m. and laid in the chair holding her chest saying "My chest hurt mommy" I called the doctor and got her in. It's unlike Abby to complain of pain. Abby has had an abnormal EKG but a fairly normal Echo. So, we thought things were fine, but the doc has some concerns... so it is off to a cardiologist. This could very well even be something related to her asthma, so we'll see what pans out. She has lost more weight herself. I just worry about her. She's my little boney girl!

We arrived home to a pleasant surprise! There was a package from Pennsylvania! We have some family who lives out there (My brother) and they sent Easter blessings! Abby and Joey couldn't tear open the box fast enough! They were so excited! Abby got a new sippy cup of which she tore open screaming, "I need milk in dis now!" =) She's so funny! Bubby got a spider man hat that we had to put on right away! Made him mad! We didn't let him inspect it first! Poor guy!

Bubby had speech therapy this afternoon and we had a breakthrough... he ate!!! we tried a new spoon and well, it worked! He ate and ate! we ran straight to Wal-Mart to get some new spoons and wouldn't you know... he ate supper too! Yeah bubby!!!

We did our Easter tonight as this weekend is going to be filled with much activity. They were overwhelmed with excitement! It was too funny. Joey got so excited his little arms were just a waiving and he kept bouncing up and down on his butt! Ha! I couldn't stop laughing!!! It is so funny how both kids react so differently. Both extremely excited, but both totally different! Bubby tried to check out Abby's stuff and she kept swatting him saying "Don't touch bub! Dis my pesent!" =) She's a hoot!

1 comment:

mom & dad said...

grandma needs an aberoonie and jo jo bear fix. Good thing I get to see them soon! we miss them between visits!