Friday, April 20, 2007

It's been an exciting day...

We started the day off with much fun! The boys lounged in the recliner and the girls cooked breakfast... however, daddy had to come to mommy's rescue of the pancakes! I can never get that batter just right! Big turkey! Always has to out due me on pancakes!! =)
Then... Off to cleaning we went! We cleaned out our fire place today of which the Shop vac decided to back fire and spray ashes EVERY WHERE!! That was serious entertainment. Whew!
Next came the sand box... we got our sand today!!!
Bubby wasn't too sure at all about the sand. A bit too much texture for his desires! However, sister... look out now! No holding her back! She was all about it... and yes... if you were wondering, we did put more sand in! The picture looks a bit skimpy! Ab couldn't wait until daddy was done filling it. She had to get in there NOW!!! =) She kept looking up going "Now, I like dis!" =) Ha!

Then came planting the English Ivy outside... They were both in on that! Abby had fun carrying the Ivy plants out to the yard. She kept saying "I bein' tareful!" Oh she was just absolutely too cute! When Abby was little like bubby, she would never ever touch dirt... not bub! He was in it up to his elbows! He tried to taste it too... I think he even wanted to bite a worm! Ug! All boy...

Speaking of worm... then came the worm!!!! Yep, you bet! They found a worm. Abby was apprehensive at first, but decided this wasn't too bad of a deal... Then, she chased her brother with it! Yep, he was running from her. However, Later... He did try to eat the worm. Yep, no thinking about it... he had it in his hand and on his way to his mouth! Luckily mommy can scream! I scared him as I screeched "No" running for him... he dropped that worm faster than you can think! I was thankful! No kid of mine is allowed to sample worms!
After all this excitement was over, Mamaw, Papaw and Aunt Kisti came over for a cook out. We had a fun evening together. Unfortunately... I didn't have the camera out! I was charging my batteries! =( Got a little picture happy today I guess! Hope you all enjoy!

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