Well, today was my birthday. I hit the big 29. We had a good day. My brother and his wife watched my kids tonight so Jeff and I went on a date! Yeah! When picking Abby up, she wanted to throw a party for mommy! So, we swung by Wal-mart...

Abby said that she wanted to pick my cake! She told me she was going to get the prettiest one ever! So sweet! I thanked her for it later telling her it was the best I ever ate and she said "it was my pweasure mommy." So sweet!

Joey picked the ice cream! He was all about Chocolate! He hates most sweets but he LOVES chocolate! Good boy!!! He is so cute!

Happy belated birthday Mindy! I hope it was a good one!
Happy Birthday Mindy!!!
Happy birthday! Did you know you're only about 6 months older than I am? I'm glad you had a wonderful day, and thank you so much for your sweet words on my blog today! I'm so glad God gave me you for a friend :)
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