Sunday, March 18, 2007

How often are we thankful?

I was walking through Target last night with Joey and Abby... Now, you have to realize what this trip is always like... we get there, and first, diapers have to be changed or Abby needs to potty "white now mommy..." =) So, I got them settled into the cart so we had no run aways or crawl aways... then off to the snack bar to get Abby her usual popcorn and sprite for $1. She kicks back then in the basket of the cart and eats and drinks as we go through Target. Bubby, he sits up in the front all snuggled in a blanky and the buckle... as we are shopping, I hear Abby saying "tank ew dedus, tank ew dedus". I asked her, "Abby, what are you thanking Jesus for." She looks at me sweetly and says "everything mommy". Her innocence and the sweetness she has... she was so sincere... so, I had to stop and thank, "How often am I thankful?" I beg God every day for him to touch Joey completely, but I am reminded, I need to be thankful for the health he has as it could be SEVERELY worse. I beg God for this or that, but I don't say thank you enough. Abby gave me a reality check yesterday. so today, I have really tried to Join Abby in saying "Tank ew dedus" much more often!

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