Friday, March 16, 2007

SHE IS TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, well, she's been two for awhile... but she's seriously ACTING two today. Oh my! She's been into every thing and well... mommy's nerves have hit SHOT! =) OK, now that is off my chest... back to cute stories! =) Today, Abby was helping me get canned goods out of the cabinet. We were getting ready to make veggie soup. She was racing from the cabinet to the counter top. She couldn't reach the counter so she was putting the cans on her step stool, then climbing up to put them on the counter top. She wants to help so much and she declared from her stool "Mommy-I tookin' (cooking)" She does still make me smile even when she is a stinker!!! On a funny note... The wind in Muncie today is measuring .04 grams today. I had Joey's scales out for his food with the kitchen window cracked open... the breeze blowing in was making the scales go wacko!!! It was actually very funny. For a minute I couldn't figure out what on earth was going on!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand how the wind can throw you off - I have to use scales at work to weigh sand and gravel and they are very sensitive also. It took me a few minutes to figure out what was going on the first time I had my window open.....I now know to have my windows closed to get an accurate reading. :)