Monday, March 5, 2007

Our day started with a bang...

While waiting at the motel for a call today to see how dad did in his cath, we decided to go down for breakfast. We felt out of place since this place was "Fancy Smancy" (quoted by Aleyna!). Anyways, we were sitting there eating and Abby wasn't feeling all too well this a.m. She put a potato in her mouth which lead to her gagging, which in turn lead to projectile vomiting all over the dining table!!!! Oh my! There were people all around us and well... it was embarrassing!!!! I whisked her away and Jeff quickly started cleaning. He kept saying to the server "I'm so sorry!" We both felt two inches tall. The poor thing, she couldn't help it... but oh dear!!! We weren't laughing then, but looking back now, we are kind of chuckling!!!!!

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