Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cleaning again!!!!

I don't understand this! How does a house get so dirty??? We are rearranging again. We came back from Riley and well... I don't like the way things look... mom got me in the fever yesterday. we have our "school" room in our dining room right now. So, that is going in the kids room. That will help MASSIVELY! School papers have to be stacked, glue moved, paint scrubbed EVERY time we have to eat... so that's my mission today. I will be glad to get it done. The kids room is a mess... so we are going there first. I'm listening to our service as I work. Unfortunately, Abby is now sick. =( Poor girl. She sounds like a squeaky toy today when she talks. Hopefully this will be a quick one and not require much. Well, back to my rearranging! Happy Sunday to all!

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