Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Long days...

Well, this picture here... I TRULY wish I could have caught it on video. Joey has this thing, when he throws a tantrum, he STANDS on his head. Nope, I'm not kidding... head and feet... that's it! Could care less about anything... just gets mad and does it. Ha! If I did that, they'd have to call an ambulance to get me up. No kidding. It's really annoying when you are trying to get him to do something, but absolutely adorable at the same time. What a crack up he is! We are still rummaging through our emotions right now. A lot of questions, what if's, how too's... this sort of thing. But, over all, I think today is a bit brighter. We will trust God with this one to. If Joey faces this, than you know... it's meant to be what it is meant to be. We'll just trust God knows best. we are so thankful to you for your prayers!
Thanks to all who have been visiting Joseph's and Abigail's caring bridge pages. Today, I was reading them to Abby and she says "I want to read more stories with my name!" Too cute. She loves it. It is nice to have that personalized contact. Especially for Abby. She's my little social bug and well... being in isn't her idea of fun. Mommy isn't meant to be socialized with so much. =) Anyways... thanks to all for your prayers and support. If I didn't e-mail you back, remember my e-mail address has changed.

1 comment:

mom & dad said...

I know how Jo Jo feels. Sometimes you just need to scream! Ha. Kiss his sweet little head for me.
