Monday, October 22, 2007

An exciting day... from start to finish!

Well, today has been eventful! Joey woke Abby up bright and early... all you parents know... this means mommy and daddy are up bright and early! Joey however was not social, he laid in the corner and screamed refusing to be touched. Apprently, he wanted every one up to enjoy his tantrum! Oh dear!!! Anyways, after a few minutes of being up, we realized Abby wasn't feeling well. She kept saying her chest her... well, my first reaction is to ALWAYS inspect her chest as sometimes we have what we had today... a topical situation! The girl was broke out in this HUGE red rash. Well, we decided this was doctor worthy... so we canceled PT today not knowing what was causing the rash and whisked the kids off to the local peds office. Low and behold, it was an allergic reaction... we have ABSOLUTELY NO idea to what... but we know that it was at least not severe at this point... so... we did find out that Abby's ear tubes probably need some help coming out. Our ENT is no longer here... so we will be seeing a new one very shortly. WE aren't sure what this will entail, but I'd almost imagine they may need to put her under to remove them. So... we'll see. We were very excited! Abby has finally gained weight! Yeah Abby! She has been so low that we were thinking Joey might catch her! Then, we talked with Joey's PT. They have talked with our developmental doc and feel it necessary to go ahead and fit him for the belly binder. This will help him hold his belly in and also help him be able to grow correctly (for instance his ribs are growing around his belly instead of in place where they belong) So... this should all help, but also help with his balance and coordination. So... all sounds positive. we'll see what he thinks of it when it comes. ha! =) Other than that... we had ordinary life tonight... dishes and laundry. Yeah! Don't forget, if you want to leave the kids a message, feel free to sign their guest books on their caring bridge pages. The links are to your left labeled Abigail and Joseph's story! Abby really loves this and one day, Joey will too! I'll print their pages to keep in their folders so he'll one day see it and enjoy reading it!! Night all!

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