Saturday, October 20, 2007

I'm so proud!!!

Well, today, Jeff performed his first wedding! Absolute congrats to Melissa and Evan! The wedding was just beautiful and so exciting to watch. I'm a sucker for a wedding though. I just absolutely love to watch them! Honey, did you say you were going to dress that way for church tomorrow?? =)

We toured the uptown stuff today. Farmland had it's fall festival. Not to bad. There was some cute stuff to look at, but I mostly enjoyed visiting with friends.

Please continue to pray for Joey. He's still having his intestinal problems. We have heard a lot of people are praying! I got word the e-mail was sent to over 278 people (just from two individuals... so who knows how many some of you have forwarded and just not told me!) That's awesome! AND It's gone globally!!! There are people over seas now praying! Wahoo! That's great. Thank you for those people who support us so much. It means a lot! We can't tell you what it means!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks cold!!! Brrr! It's about to get cold in Indiana! It is still in the 80s here in VA! Can you believe that?? Is fall ever going to come?! I've heard the fall season is supposed to be awesome here... I have yet to see it!