Sunday, October 14, 2007

200th post....

I never thought when I started blogging that I would find myself having a 200th blog. So, in saying that, I'm really curious who all my readers are. I have had as few as 2-3 a day clear up to 20... so, leave me a comment below and show the faces of our readers. =)
Today has been an interesting day. Some days, we ahve awesome days and all is good then other days, we don't deal so well with the thought of things. I've been really trying to dig in and do a bit more research on mito. Mito is one of those areas, you can't emotionally sit and read it all in one sitting... so I read some, then I dig and save some new and then later, read again. There are tons of places to read. Here recently, I have been reading a lot about other children. I have found amazing amounts of caringbridge pages and even web pages of families who face mito. Reading other entries make me feel not so alone. Mito isn't one of those "Hey my kid has that" illnesses. So, often loneliness sets in and you wonder why. Abby had a pretty good day today. She was very fussy which tells me she isn't feeling the greatest, but she hangs in there. She enjoyed playing out in the sand box today. The temp was PERFECT for them to be outside. Then Joey, well, he continues to struggle with his intestinal stuff. We have learned that he has Cdiff. He's also starting to not digest his food. So, we have to call the doc on Monday to find out what we need to do.
In case I haven't mentioned it... to your left, I have added a new section. You can click on the links and read Abigail and Joseph's personal stories. Feel free to leave a comment there. I read them to the kids when people sign the guest book. They really enjoy it! Before long, I'll have our website up and running too. God bless!


mom & dad said...

hey! where's jo jo's sommersault video??

Anonymous said...

Mindy, just checking in on your blog spot. Hope to talk to you soon!
:) Melody

Anonymous said...

Just checking in with you guys. I love that you have this blog to keep old therapists' curiosity satisfied. God Bless, Missy Arnold,PT