Saturday, September 15, 2007


I some times wish I could be like a horse and wear blinders on my eyes. I tell you, here lately, God has been trying so hard to speak to my heart about changes in my life and it has been so hard to stay focused. It seems that when God begins to work, one distraction right after the other pops up. My house is a big thing. If my house isn't organized and clean, I'm a wreck. This week, it's been a challenge keeping the house up. I get depressed and worked up about the way things look or I just get frantic and chuck every thing because I have to get things done. It's so hard. Anyways... I may not be able to wear physical blinders, however, I can bump it up spiritually by prayer and study. It's so hard to remember that we have to just lay every thing down and Go to God. So, tonight, I'm going to do my best with that and sit at God's feet and just let Him work in my heart!


Cari said...
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Cari said...

I totally agree with you about distractions, they come at you from all directions. I know that I put off God in order to use that time to get other things done, thinking I will give Him time next week. But then it is hard to get back to giving Him the time again...I really need to make Him my top priority.