Monday, September 24, 2007

Facing a long day...

Well, today just seemed to be so long. We had to go to physical therapy today in Muncie at 9:30 a.m. Joey faught so much doing PT today. Not sure why, but he was sure not into anything. I was so impressed though by the patience of the therapist. She did wonderful with him, never lost her cool and found ways to get him to work even when he didn't realize that he was working! They are waiting on a call from the doctor on making a decision on whether or not to move forward with a belly binder for Joey. All at rehab feel it would be wonderful, but they wanted Riley's input. So, another day of waiting and wondering... I think they are going to hold off on the splints for his feet right now. He goes back and forth on needing them. However, that is also the nature of his disease... so, again, we'll see. After PT, we were off to Riley for our monthly speech therapy there. It was a good visit, she felt Joey is getting better with feedings, but he is only taking small tiny steps. However, as long as those steps are FORWARD, we are in good shape, so we'll take that news. =) They'll be seeing Abby there next month when we go. They'll do a full evaluation on her while we are there. Hopefully they'll have some good input. They have done well with Joey. We are currently working on drinking out of a straw cup as one of his rehab goals. He seems to be getting more interested and we have seen a couple of good sucks... so soon, he'll be taking off and bye bye bottle. =) Tonight, well we cleaned around the house. It seems the house can get so messy so quickly... but hey, easily fixed! Well... enough about today... I'm wiped out!


Cari said...

Wow...that is a full day. I am always excited to hear the updates on the kids. I know it is a rough road, but just to see how you all do through it is amazing. Just want you to know you are always in my prayers!

Mommy pfohl said...

Thanks Cari! That means a lot! I appreciate your friendship and your concern for our family. WE have lots of rehab again today. Both kids go for Speech and Occupational today, so we'll see you at Growth group tonight. See ya!