Wednesday, September 26, 2007

many changes...

In light of many things in life, our life is taking on many changes right now. Our children's needs are changing as they grow, their fatigue seems to increase daily, their battles are some days harder, but one thing stands firm... GOD. I was reading my Bible and something that God reminded me of is the scripture that says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Truthfully, our lives have changed drastically. The schedule we keep, the things we teach our children, even the way we go about our day. I never dreamed when God gave me children, we would walk through all of the things that we have. However, I celebrate continuously that they are mine. I have been really praying about way's that I can have outlets to share what God is doing in our lives. I often share cute stories on here (and I still will) but my blog is going to begin to take a different road... I want to share what we face and share how God has encouraged us. I want to share a look into our lives in a deeper way. I often share the surface and the "cute", but I'm beginning to realize God has a purpose in what we have gone through. We have seen many people draw closer to God because of the story of our children, even have seen people come back to or give their life to Christ for the first time ever. I LONG for more of that. So, I welcome you to my new blog. In the face of Mito... a disease that seems so big, God has held out His hand and He has helped us!

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