Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Facing Storms...

Last week, I had the opportunity to share at the Christian School here in Farmland. I have the opportunity again on Wednesday morning. My husband was supposed to go, but he's sick and struggling to say more than a few sentences with out coughing. So, I'm nominated. I really enjoyed myself last time. I am excited about it this time. I have struggled to listen to God though today and to discern what I'm supposed to say (not really had much time since I just found out at 3 I'm doing it. =) Anyways, as I have gone through the day, I have battled thoughts and frustrations about the kids therapies, doctoring... etc.... I have been battling just to let go and trust God. I was reading in Matthew the story about Jesus walking on the water. The disciples thought it was a ghost approaching their boat until Jesus so gently assured them that it was He who was approaching. I am not sure though if Peter really had faith or was just plain crazy! He cried out that if it was really Jesus, allow Him to come to him upon the water... well, He did! It was Jesus and He was there. I can't imagine that moment. The waters raging, the wind blowing, the rain hitting them on the face and there they were, in the midst of a storm, eye to eye walking towards each other on the water. Can you imagine the intimacy? I can't even begin to imagine what either one was feeling. Then it happened... Peter looked at the storm, he focused on the water below and He began to sink. I know I have begun to sink so many times it isn't funny. But there is Jesus, in the midst of it all... loving enough to pull him back to safety. Today, this story spoke to me in a different way. The boat in this situation was the ultimate safety. who in their right mind would walk on water that was raging and rough? For me, I sometimes find my kids as my safety. I know their medical lives inside and out. I know what needs to happen round the clock to keep them healthy, and yet... I have to trust God and STEP out of my safety sometimes. Tomorrow, I am stepping out of my safety and I'm going to talk to a group of Young people that GOD WHOLE HEARTEDLY desires to touch and use. In the midst of all of this... the storm is where Jesus is standing... I think all of us could say we have had storms that felt as though they could suck us in and destroy us. But, there is an outstretched hand waiting... I know God is calling me to far more. I want so badly to get involved in finding a cure for the cause of Mito, but today, I feel in my heart, God is asking me to share the love of that outstretched hand in the midst of the storm. I could work to find that cause for a cure, or I could trust that Jesus holds my kids in His hands and I could share the love that God has for every person on this earth, that I have so much found to get me through this time in our lives. So, today, what boat are you sitting in? Is Jesus asking you to get out of it? If so... DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! There is so much blessing when you reach out and take hold of that outstretched hand!

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