Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fun times...

Yep, you see it right! My kids are sitting in skillets. Joey decided to empty the drawer of my stove tonight and after some stressful events today, I decided to join in the laugh instead of whisking them away to put them away. Abby battled much fatigue today after her negative experience with OT yesterday. She just sat around. But, tonight, she perked back up a bit and look out living room! It was good to see her being mischevious and a stinker! This is a thankful mom for that tonight! =) I tell you, my kids mean more to me than anything in the world. It hurts right now seeing all the changes for whatever it may be, but at the same time, I see Jesus in their every smile, the way the laugh, the way they don't let things get them down and keep them down. Today, when Abby was so fatigued, she'd reach up and rub my face and say "I love you mom, I'm ok." I just pull her closer and pray. Joey well, he just ran around giggling all day> I think he managed to get a tickle bug in his shirt! ha! Anyways... I thought I'd share in our new form of use for skillets... by the way, if you are ever wondering... they spin well on carpet... Try it out some time!!!!

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