Monday, September 3, 2007

He did it! He did it!

Well, every night when we go to bed, we always say bed time prayers together. Well, several months ago, we asked Abby what her prayer was and she said "Jesus alive." Every night it is the same she prays "Jesus alive, you pray now!" Well, tonight, we asked bubby if he wanted to pray, mind you, he normally is climbing on the bed or pulling out toys... well... not tonight. He walks over, takes my hand and Abby's hand and says "Jesus alive" Well, mommy was over come with excitement and well... I screamed. Scared him... so he politely backed away! =) I am so excited at what God is doing in his little life. It is absolutely amazing to me. So, it was a wonderful in to an exciting day! Happy Labor day to all!

1 comment:

Melissa B said...

That is wonderful! Just think of all the phrases or words you could be teaching Joseph he has been taught one that he can carry with him the rest of his life. How exciting!