Monday, July 21, 2008

Feeling Thankful...

I can't help but tell you how thankful I am for the family God gave me. My kids have been absolute stinkers today... I started to get frustrated but as I sit here and look back on the last few months, their stinkerness makes me smile! Today, my son played and he hasn't done that in a long time. He chased Abby all around, tried to play peek-a-boo from behind the couch, cooked us up a pretend dinner, through the ball a few times... Abby... She laughed and giggled, got every thing out she could get her hands on, was mommy to her babies... it was just a great day to look on. A few days back, they were both lethargic and out of it... today, they were happy and playing. I'm thankful for the good days. They make the rough waters much easier! A simple giggle, a huge smile, a brother and sister chasing each other... WORTH EVERY MOMENT! Thank you to all of you for your prayers. I know my babies thrive to survive each day because you all pray! Such a blessing to have such a group behind us! Much love to all of you! -mindy


Shelby-Grace said...

Glad to see they are doing great and having a lot of fun!!

Unknown said...

Glad things are much better for everyone. I pray you'll have more days like this one.