Thursday, July 31, 2008

Worn out!!!

Well, between my nerves and trying to roll through my mind over and OVER the appointment with genetics... I'm tuckered! Joey had PT Today. It went well. Abby and I enjoyed a game of Elmo's Go Fish while waiting... I think we even squeezed in some memory games too! Then we were off to the church to pick up something! Then we were home and had a meeting with Gina. Our Avon fundraiser kicks off today and runs through Aug. 11th! If you would be interested, there are hand sanitizers, hand lotion, hand soap, body sprays, bubble bath and bath soap. All are like 3 for $15. They make great gifts for the holidays! 35% of every thing we sell goes to help the kids medical expenses and travel right now! E-mail me if you are interested! Please pray this goes well. We have some large expenses coming up! I know God will provide! If not through this something else! I pray an extra special blessing for Gina for donating her time and resources to make this happen! ALSO, Aug 17 (it's a Sunday) Arby's is having a benefit lunch for us that day to help with funds! Please Join us for lunch! Our last benefit there was so AMAZING! I wanted to just sit and cry! I just was in awe of the line of people coming in because they care! You know people care and you know they are there for you... but seeing all the faces in line, it was over whelming! Thank you all for loving us and supporting us!!!! Also, we kicked off the food pantry tonight with the first training! We had 5 volunteers show up to be trained! AWESOME!! So, if you are interested PLEASE let me know! We'd love to have lots more people helping with this. I pray this ministry grows in LEAPS AND BOUNDS!!! What an incredible way to serve! OK, now... I'm going to drop in my bed! Night all!

1 comment:

Shan said...

Mindy, I know it's all overwhelming. Diagnosis, testing, then just trying to understand what the doctors say.

I have to tell you, you and Jeff are phenominal parents. I so admire the way you are FIERCE for your children. You are strong, tender, and beautiful. Thank you for inspiring me.

On another note, we have a candyland travel game and it rocks. Josie and I have marathon games that go until we run out of cards and have to reshuffle. I think you can get them at Target.

Also, back to one of your previous posts. I started weight watchers online almost two weeks ago. I can't make it to meetings because of my Marie, but, the support is all there online. I've already seen some results, and it's easy. Just a thought.

Lifting you up,