Friday, July 18, 2008

So adorable!

Well we are back and in full swing! Miss Abby was very excited to have bubby home and has been very worried about him! She's helping mommy with meds and Gtube care right now. I'm telling you, she will one day be the most AMAZING nurse you've ever met! Any way, bubby was pooped tonight! He has felt good for the first time in a long time and has gone absolutely crazy today! Running, playing, into trouble! You name it! So, he fell asleep well before Abby went to bed. As I was tucking her in, she threw a hug and kiss to daddy and said "That one is just for bubby, could you make sure he gets it?" She snuggles down and after Jeff left the room she looks to me and throws another hug and kiss and says, "That one is for bubby just in case daddy forgets, I know you'll make sure he gets it!" Ha! She had her ground covered! Thanks to all for the prayers the last few days. It's going to take us a few days to truly process all that we just walked out. ALL good things, but still loads of info to process and loads of change coming down the pike! Hope all have a great nights rest... I know I TRULY hope to! Night!

1 comment:

mom & dad said...

Abarooni might just end up being a preacher. She's got all the pre-requisites and she definitely has the faith.