Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Hello every one! Joey is doing better today. He has some of his energy back to get up and play periodically. He is still napping a lot and VERY weak. They have found him to have CDiff AGAIN! So, they are treating that. They are making diet changes and talking with a lot of different teams here in the hospital. We have been over whelmed at the information but have found it nice to have new eyes looking in and making some decisions and changing things for the better right now. We'll update when we know more. There are a lot of things up in the air right now and a lot of decisions still being rolled around. They are planning on changing out his gtube from a bard to a Mic-key button. I hope this will help with many things right now! Ok, well enough for now... I'll update with more info when we know more! Thanks all for your prayers! They are deeply appreciated!!! -Mindy

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