Saturday, May 24, 2008

Going on a treasure hunt!!!!

Today has been a busy one! Daddy started the morning with running to Union City to pick up meds at kaup Pharmacy! Super awesome compounding pharmacy!!! The people are precious there! Then he stopped at my parents house to get some saw horses... Men!!! The things they name things. Upon arriving home, we gutted the van... ewww... it was a mess! Traveling to Riley takes a tole on the interior! The kids always have to eat at some point... so never fails to collect trash and sticky stuff! I just love the vac down at the local car wash... sucks that dirt right up and we are sparkeling clean again! Now I have a serious ache in my back! Miss Abby and I were digging up rocks in our back yard today. Whew! Now that is some serious work! For lack of a wheelborrow to put them in, we got creative and put them in the wagon and Joey decided to throw them out of the wagon! Miss Abby decided we were on a treasure hunt! We did find some really cool rocks! We even found one that was PINK!!! No kidding!!! She was so excited! It was neat though to get to talk about how God made the rocks and oh, that we can't eat them! ha! Yes, the question came up of "Mommy, why can't I just eat them?" Oh dear! Anyways, it has been a good day with loads of questions and question answering. I realized today a new revelation of just how much I love being with my family and how much fun it is just to spend time doing little odd jobs with them. They have such personalities! Even jeff!

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