Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wonderful feeling...

We continue to settle in! Things are going well. We are done to our "yuck" boxes as I call them. Things we may need but don't need right now... so, I'm declaring, we do NOT need them. :) I know, I'll probably regret it. Oh well! The kids are still continuing to do well. Mr. Joey is loving his new room. I caught him being a stinker as always today! He's busted! He was sitting on his block table instead of using it to build with his blocks! Big stinker!

You betcha! Here is the proof! Little man threw the top off and made it a cozy chair!

Miss Abby found herself being a princes, fairy, cheer leader kind of girl today. She couldn't decide on a stile, so she went with a sleek combo of all three! Isn't she beautiful?

Joey, Well, this says it all! He was wiped at the end of the afternoon. He and sissy played until he dropped! So innocent! Night all!

1 comment:

Shelby-Grace said...

Shelby doesn't do it so much anymore, but I always loved it when she would go into her room and come out with an "interesting" combination she made up with her dress-up clothes too! Kids can be so creative! I sometimes wish I had just a smidge of that creativity!