Monday, May 5, 2008

Mom's worst night mare....

OK, so today, Mr. Joey has been my WILD man! Racing every where in the house! He is certainly back to himself. So, today, I was balancing our check book and getting ready to pay the bills and make our grocery list. Joey suddenly got quiet. I thought to myself "This is never good." Let me remind you, we now have BRAND NEW carpet in our home... so I went looking and here is what I found....

Yes, this is my son sweetly eating a bright red JUICY TOMATO in my living room on my recliner over my NEW CARPET!!!!!! Ug!!!! As I am cleaning it up... here he comes RUNNING through the living room with an open formula jug! Oh dear! So...

Here is our new friend! Yep, it's a refrigerator lock. We decided on this for more than just protecting the carpet. There are certain foods that could make Joey VERY ill and make him go into more seizure activity than we care for. So... with stealing away with some snacks, it was time to make sure he didn't get the wrong snacks.

Also, to demonstrate that joey is feeling better, here is proof he has been a wild man! For the last hour, he has been circling the house with this two liter bottle and jumping in and out of this pan. So, Daddy took advantage and caught him in the pan to do his breathing treatment tonight! Ha! Hilarious little man.


Anonymous said...

go jo jo, go jo jo, go jo jo! grandma's little sugar man! Papaws pride and joy!

Shelby-Grace said...

I think kids just know to eat the messiest food and the food that will stain the worst, in the exact spot they shouldn't! I think they do it just to keep us on our toes!

Cari said...

Yum...tomato...looks like he was having a good day!