Friday, May 30, 2008

Proper placement...

After last night of housing our new family members in mommy's nice glass bowl... mommy made an emergency trip to Wal-Mart today. We woke up and the water was so murky you couldn't see the poor things. Abby cries "Mommy, please save them!" So, what did mommy do.... the pictures tell the story!!!

Here it is! The fishies new home! yeah!
Look mommy, they are eating! They are happy! They like my new house!
Brother getting in on the action... He's got a plan to be a stinker!
The last I checked in on Abby... this is the stance she was still holding! Oh what a blessing! The girl is happy and so is her mommy!


mom & dad said...

Hi Miss Abby! Your fish are just wonderful and we are so happy for you. You are mamaw and papaws little stinkerbean and we love you so much. And Jo, Jo! Good job man! You need to keep everybody on their toes.
love, mamaw and papaw

Shelby-Grace said...

Yea!! Mommy saves the day :)

Sue said...

Do the newest members of your family have names yet?

Kris Sorensen said...

Oh no fish. God bless you and good luck.