Sunday, May 4, 2008

Too tired...

Last night, I found myself very tired and really needing some sleep! We did 12 hours of unpacking yesterday, which by the way, we are 3/4 the way done!!! Yeah!!! So, I decided that it was time to kick my feet up and rest... Well, I also wanted a nice cold coke... I was headed into the living room and thought I had my coke... but instead....

I found myself carrying this! Beside my coke was an empty ravioli can... and I had picked it up instead. In surprise, I looked down as I was preparing to take a drink and was shocked to find the can of ravioli!

So, does this mean I was too tired? When you mistake a coke for an empty can of ravioli? Stay tuned for more update pictures!!! Havea wonderful Sunday all!


The Besmer Family said...

It's a hint from above that Coke should not be a beverage! Us dietitians call it POISON!

Shelby-Grace said...

That is too funny! I do agree, you were a little tired :)

Tonya said...

That's awesome! You must have been tired you poor thing. Just ask Jeff to get it for you next time, you know husbands are supposed to wait on their tired wives!