Thursday, May 15, 2008

I never knew it tasted so good!

Well, tonight, we pulled out the play dough! Abby adores playing play dough... but mommy always dreads it! I figured out though, Joey's little table fits nicely on the floor of the kitchen and I don't have to worry about the carpet! :) Yeah!!!! Mr. Joey, well, I learned tonight that he likes play dough more than he should! He was EATING IT!!! Not just little bites... I was fishing out whole chunks! Arg! So... Abby made shapes and I made goober piles from what I dug out of my sons mouth and Joey chuckled all night! I think he had a bit of blue left in his teeth tonight when Daddy helped brush teeth!

1 comment:

Shelby-Grace said...

Shelby never tried to eat it, but boy could she get it shoved way up under her fingernails!