Tuesday, May 13, 2008


My friend Tammy from church has tagged me on her blog. So if I have now tagged you...here is how to play...and if not, here is a little peek into my life!

(1) Each player answers questions about themselves.

(2) At the end of the post, tag 5 people by posting their names.

(3) Go to their site/blog and leave a comment telling them that they have been Tagged. Invite them to your site/blog so they can read the Tagged post.

(4) Let the person who tagged you know when you have completed your Tagged post.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago? Living with my sister in a tiny little apartment in Farmland. My life was not what I would have desired it to be... but little did I know what God had in store for me!

2. What are 5 things on your "To Do" list? Finish my laundry so one day my basket is completely empty, Exercise, loose weight, make a video montage of the kids, and finish up this blog post

3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy? Popcorn, Mashed potatoes (yes, I do some times eat this for a snack), breaded mushrooms, cold pizza and chips with dip... so umm... does this fit under my weight loss to do??? :)

4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire. Find a cure for Mito, Get my kids the best medical care ever, and give many other children hope!

5. Name some places where you have lived. Union city, ohio, Farmland, Muncie, Union city, Oh. muncie, Selma, Anderson, Muncie, muncie, farmland and now Hickory street in Farmland! There you have the run down of all my moves in the last 10 years and PLEASE God let this move stick! :)

6. Name some bad habits you have. Staying on budget, putting things to the last minute, cleaning the bathroom (gross!)

7. Name some jobs you have had. I worked as a teacher in a couple day cares. Worked at the YOC (my favorite yet least favorite job), Worked at Walgreens now I have the best job ever... MOMMY AND WIFE!!!

8. Name those whom you are tagging, Bryan , Jeff, Rick, Aleyna, Tonya


Kris Sorensen said...

Hahahaha I love your link to Bryan! That's a good one :-)

Mommy pfohl said...

WHOOPS! I guess I better fix that! Ha! I checked all the rest but not his! Ha! Oh well! :)