Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well, I am up at 6 a.m.!!! That is a sin I tell ya!! No one should be allowed to function at this time of day!!! I'm getting ready to put my kids in the car and head to the church for Angel food's distribution day. I will confess, we had the worst night we have had in a long time! Both of my kids were up off and on ALL NIGHT!! I think some one doesn't want me to plug back in to church! My kids health isn't in the way right now because they are doing beautiful, so, That crazy Devil had to throw something at me... but I'm going any ways! Sleep is overated! Please pray that lives will be so dramatically changed through the churches new out reach center. Distribution day is so much more htan just handing out food that was ordered... it's about access into some one's life that may not know Jesus! I want to see every person that walks through that door experience the mighty, unending, healing love of jesus!!! So... here I go! Off to share jesus with my hands and my hugs! Thanks all! -Mindy

1 comment:

Derek Chalfant said...

Hope you had a sucessful day of ministering at Angel food, we need to help out some Saturday. Don't feel bad about getting up early on a Sat. I'm here at work again this morning, got up at 4:30 to get in here at 6 after not going to bed until after midnight, I feel your pain.